Laying Down the Pavement

Laying Down the Pavement

4 Reasons to Prioritize Sealcoating Your Asphalt Driveway

by Clifton Sullivan

Is your asphalt driveway looking a bit tired and faded? You can make it look good as new with sealcoating. Asphalt surfaces are long-lasting, but they also wear out with use and exposure to the weather. Sealcoating is the most effective maintenance method of prolonging the life of an asphalt surface. It also gives asphalt a fresh new look, boosting the curb appeal of the entire property. So why should you prioritize sealcoating your asphalt driveway?

Prevent Asphalt Oxidation

Long-term exposure to strong sunlight weakens the structure of asphalt. The sun's UV rays and natural air cause oxidation of the asphalt, which deteriorates the chemical binding. The process is slow but will eventually weaken the asphalt over several years. The asphalt surface erodes, exposing the substructure to further attrition. You will eventually see cracks on the surface.

Sealcoating protects the asphalt from air exposure, which slows down the oxidation process. The coating also contains fine sand and aggregate that replaces the lost aggregate. In addition, it fills in the fine cracks and prevents them from enlarging. 

Protect Against Moisture and Water 

Freeze and thaw cycles speed up the deterioration of asphalt pavement. Rainwater penetrates hairline cracks in the pavement surface. When cold weather sets in, the water in the cracks freezes into ice and expands in volume. It enlarges the cracks, which take in more water, and the process continues.

Asphalt sealcoating covers cracks and eliminates water penetration points. The smooth surface makes ice and snow melt faster and flow off the pavement surface. It makes your driveway more resistant to moisture and water from snow, ice, and rain. It will look good as new when warm weather comes. 

Protection Against Corrosive Spills 

Asphalt is a petroleum-based compound, making it susceptible to reactions with other chemicals in grease, oils, and acids. You will note the driveway discolors where you park your car. Sealcoating protects the asphalt surface from these spills in high traffic areas and parking areas.  

Improve Aesthetic Appeal 

Your driveway's appearance makes a big first impression on your guests. An eroded, cracked, or potholed driveway speaks of an ill-maintained property. But a smooth asphalt surface makes a good first impression.

Sealcoating makes your driveway stand out and also gives contrast and highlight to the landscaping. The overall effect is much better curb appeal, and your property value gets a boost. 

Are you looking for ways to boost your property's curb appeal? Talk to a paving contractor about sealcoating your asphalt driveway. 
