Laying Down the Pavement

Laying Down the Pavement

The Advantages Of Having A Concrete Swimming Pool

by Clifton Sullivan

There are a few materials to choose from when selecting a material for a backyard swimming pool. While a fiberglass pool can be a great choice, you may find that a concrete pool is the best option for you. Learn more about all the reasons why concrete is a great choice for a swimming pool. 


A huge advantage of using concrete is the number of customizations you can make to your pool. Fiberglass is quite limited to the types of shells that are pre-manufactured, where you pretty much pick a design out of a catalog and have it delivered to your home. However, concrete allows you to mold the shape of the pool to whatever design you want. The customization is limited to what you can imagine since you can create various shapes and depths to accommodate the needs of your family.


You'll find that a concrete swimming pool is going to be an incredibly durable material. Concrete is resistant to the UV rays from the sun, which is something that a pool is constantly exposed to. The sun won't be responsible for causing cracking, fading, or other types of UV-related damage. Concrete can also withstand the test of time since it can always be resurfaced when it starts to show wear and tear. This is not always possible with other pool materials, which may reach the end of their life span and need to be completely replaced.

Increased Home Value

A custom concrete swimming pool is something that will be seen as valuable when the time comes to sell your home. It's built into the ground and not an eye sore like an above-ground pool, which makes it attractive to future home buyers. You may find that you get your money back on your concrete pool due to how it increases your home's overall value. 


Pools made out of fiberglass are limited to how deep they can be since the pool has to fit on a flatbed truck to be delivered to your home. A concrete pool can be as deep as you desire. This means that you can create a pool that is deep enough for a diving board so that you won't hit the bottom, but also have a gradual entry near the top for walking in. 

Think you're ready to build a concrete pool in your backyard? Reach out to a local pool contractor for more information on the custom backyard swimming pool installation process.
